8 Meals to Increase Your Sexual Drive

Your diet and the nutrients it contains have a number of effects on your physical, mental, and emotional health. As general health and sexual health are closely related, foods that are beneficial to the heart, brain, and digestive system also have a positive impact on sex hormones and function.

Your food may make a difference in your in-the-mood or out-of-the-ordinary performance in the bedroom, depending on the issue. An all-natural method of increasing sexual appetite is to eat more healthy foods. We’re dissecting the top 8 meals in this post to boost sex desire, improve closeness, and improve sexual performance.

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Foods That Boost Sexual Motivation

It is important to understand that consuming a particular dish once or twice won’t drastically alter your sexual life. As a matter of fact, the belief that certain meals, known as aphrodisiacs, quickly arouse sexual desire is not well supported by studies. On the other hand, eating can unintentionally start your motor.

How to do it is as follows:

Through supplying nutrients and energy associated with increased stamina and endurance, which can result in improved performance between the sheets,

by providing essential nutrients that promote healthy blood flow and heart health. Arousal and orgasms require blood to go to the proper locations.

By giving the body the resources it needs to produce feel-good brain chemicals that promote happiness and reduce stress, which in turn elevate mood,. Naturally, when things are going well in your mind, you’re more likely to be interested in having sex.

by giving nutrients that help maintain normal sex hormone levels.

The following foods are the best ways to increase sex desire and help you light the fire:

Oysters are a great source of zinc, a mineral your body requires to make testosterone. To experience arousal and sexual desire, testosterone is required in both males and females.

291% of your daily zinc need can be met by eating only one 3-ounce portion of raw oysters. In case you’re not into raw bars, you may get zinc from beef, crab, fortified breakfast cereals, and pumpkin seeds.

See more: Natural Home Remedies for ED Work?

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is said to be beneficial for general health because of its high antioxidant content. Phenylethylamine, another ingredient in dark chocolate, is a neurotransmitter that causes the nervous system to release dopamine and serotonin, which are feel-good hormones that also affect sexual desire.

We love dark chocolate here at Hail Merry, and our tarts, coconut cookie dough, and cups will satisfy your daily craving.


Figs, like other meals made from plants, are a good source of antioxidants, which have a protective role for the body. Moreover, magnesium, potassium, and zinc are found in figs. By controlling blood pressure and blood flow, potassium and magnesium promote heart health.

Dried figs are a more concentrated source of nourishment than fresh figs, so go for the unsweetened kind for optimum benefit. Enjoy them on their own as a snack, or add them to salads or cereal bowls.


Avocados are rich in minerals like potassium and magnesium, as well as good fats like vitamin B6, which are essential for optimal sexual function. Vitamin B6 aids in the body’s production of sex hormones and energy, while unsaturated fats promote heart health.

Avocados work well in dips, mashed on crackers or toast, mixed into smoothies, and even used to make dairy-free popsicles and chocolate pudding.

The Banana

Bananas, like avocados, are an excellent source of magnesium, potassium, and vitamin B6. Potassium and magnesium assist heart health, hormone production, and muscular contraction and relaxation, Which may translate into improved physical performance during sex.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are a great source of healthy fats and proteins that promote blood flow and increase hormone and neurotransmitter synthesis. Zinc and magnesium are also present.

Almonds, walnuts, flax seeds, chia seeds, and pumpkin seeds are all excellent options. Create your own trail mix, include it in salads, oats, yogurt, and smoothies, and utilize nut and seed butters in baked products.


A juicy slice of watermelon may help increase the flow of blood to your lower body. Citruline, a nonessential amino acid found in it, is utilized by your body to produce arginine, another amino acid. Blood flow can be enhanced by arginine, as it aids in blood vessel dilatation.

For a reviving and refreshing drink, try blending cubed watermelon with chia seeds and water.

For hundreds of years, societies all around the world have utilized honey to promote health and reproduction. It contains amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, as well as sugar in the forms of fructose and glucose, which can help foster closeness by supplying quick energy.

Manuka honey, which has a darker, amber color, is higher in nutrients than lighter types. Try using honey to sweeten your morning coffee or tea; you can also use it in place of maple syrup or stir it into oats or plain yogurt.

Foods That Reduce Sexual Impulse

Conversely, eating poorly can make your desire for sex decrease. Sugar- and fat-filled foods can cause circulation problems, weight gain, inflammation, and hormonal imbalances that can lower your libido.

To improve your health and sex, avoid the following foods:


While a few drinks, such as a cocktail or glass of wine, might help you de-stress and reduce your sexual inhibitions, consuming too much alcohol can wear you out and affect your ability to have sex. Order a mocktail or limit your alcohol intake to one or two drinks if your intention is to become intimate with your companion.

Trans fats

The most harmful kind of fat you can eat is trans fat. They may have an indirect effect on sexual health due to their association with heart disease and an increase in inflammation. Margarine, store-bought baked products, and processed foods are where you’ll mostly find them. Always check the ingredient labels before purchasing any product, as partly hydrogenated oils are a source of trans fats.

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